
warikoo Wanderings

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Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read

warikoo Wanderings

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For the longest time I have known, I have been fascinated by magic.
I feel magic is such an incredible way to understand human psychology and emotions; and if you practice magic you have no choice but to be perfect at the tiniest possible details.

I guess it appeals to my personality - I love getting into the details of things, I love understanding the motivation behind people's reactions, and I love entertaining people :)

And growing up, one of my cousins had an army of card magic tricks.
He was so good with them.

I remember, every time he used to come up to me and say "Nandu, I have a new trick today", I used to jump in joy, "OMG - teach me please. Teach me please!"
(PS: Did I ever mention that my pet name is Nandu?)

Whenever we encounter something new in life - it triggers either of these 2 reactions.
We either want people to prove to us that it's indeed novel and unique and new.
We want to learn this new thing.

We either say "Show me" or we say "Teach me"

And I think this difference makes all the difference in the world.

If we live our life where we are majorly asking people to show us what they've got, or worse, demanding people to show us what they've got, we will know something from their perspective.
But if we live our life majorly asking people to teach us what they've got, we will learn something from their knowledge.

That's the difference between the observer and the student.
The observer witnesses, comments, suggests, hears, reacts, but eventually moves on.
The student understands, absorbs, retains and eventually learns.

Ask people to teach you.
With these 2 words,
- You accept you don’t know
- You accept you are willing to learn
- You acknowledge the opposite person for what they know

Be a student. Forever!


This week's podcast episode focuses on 39 Life Lessons that I shared in 2019, on my 39th birthday.
I am sure you will resonate with a lot of them, while some of them will challenge and provoke you!

Give it a listen on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn or Gaana.


I am still reading Courage to be Disliked.
This time, even slower than before.
The power of a good book is that you learn something new each time you re-read it.
This book is one such book.

I also concluded a 3-month class on "Building Winning Teams" and as part of the "graduation" I sent all participants a set of 3 books - that I feel all of you should also read.

Grit: Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success

How Will You Measure your Life?

Radical Candor: How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean


Don't make your lack of preparation or capability an excuse to not get started!
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The purpose of relationships is not to make you happy. It's to teach you how to be happy alone.
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"I need help!"
3 words that are not said enough.
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We are taught to admire the extraordinary. But we are raised to become ordinary.
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A wise man once said nothing.
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Last week I asked you:

Where do you get your best ideas?

  1. Toilet/Bathroom
  2. On the bed
  3. While working/studying
  4. While listening to music/playing/cooking/reading/engaging in my hobby
  5. No pattern as such

I also asked for your age, and here are the results:

The overall results aren't surprising.

The nuances are:
Notice 2 things - ideas in the toilet/bathroom reduce with age (and consistently so). And ideas pursuing your interests/hobbies increase.

This is fascinating. And I think I have an explanation.
The smartphone!

Ever since the smartphone, the time spent in the toilet has increased significantly. And clearly the younger you are, the more you use your phone.

Add to that the fact that the older you get, the more you begin to value life beyond work and your phone. Pursuing your hobbies and interests is one of them.

So I feel this survey result is just an indication of where people are spending more of their time.
Younger people in the toilet (comparatively) and older people pursuing hobbies (comparatively).


Assuming all these cost the same, which one would you pick?

  1. A car
  2. An international vacation for 14 days (assuming leave is not a problem)
  3. A domestic vacation for 30 days (assuming leave is not a problem)
  4. Meeting your favorite celebrity for dinner
  5. Renting a private jet

Submit your answers here (the form is anonymous)

Beyond this form, you can always write to me. I love reading your emails. While I may not reply to all of them, I read all my emails.
I READ ALL MY EMAILS (Women's hockey team ki kasam!)

You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn or view it on the web.

Read all previous editions of the newsletter here.

warikoo Wanderings

by Ankur Warikoo

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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